Toomey vs. Specter

  by Robert Kettering


Arlen Specter has been a U.S. Senator from PA for the past 24 years. He is now seeking his 5th term and if he wins he is scheduled to become chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. That means that the one person in this country who will have the most to say about who will become our next Supreme Court Justice (or Justices) will be Arlen Specter. That?s right, one of the most liberal Republican Senators in the nation, the man whom the National Review calls "The Worst Republican Senator" will set the tone for the highest court in the land.

What will Senator Specter do in this position? There?s really no need to wonder, he can be expected to do exactly as he?s done before. Remember Judge Bork? As Mr. Bork?s lobbyist, Tom Korologos, put it at the time, "Specter hit the game winning RBI." Too bad he was playing for the wrong team, but that?s who Arlen is and anyone who is fooled this time around, after 24 years, just isn?t paying attention.

When you look at America today, what institution is most responsible for the assault on our values? Is it the presidency? Is it the Congress? Is it the Senate? Or is it our judicial system? I think you?ll agree with me that activist judges in our judicial system, led by the Supreme Court, have led the assault on the Judeo-Christian values that our nation was founded upon. Today, 3/4 of Americans want voluntary school prayer and they want the 10 Commandments posted in public. Yet in these cases (and many others), while 3/4 of Americans favor one direction, the Supreme Court, often by a 5-4 split decision, overrides the will of the people and forces their morality (or lack thereof) onto the nation. In the near future, the high court is expected to make a decision concerning the legality of homosexual marriage. I could fill every page of this newsletter with reasons why conservatives should vote for Pat Toomey over Arlen Specter, but to me this one factor - the future direction of our Supreme Court - overrides all other issues. God has given to us the responsibility to choose our leaders (Exodus 18:21-22) and this election demands our utmost attention. The future of the nation, indeed, the future of your children and grandchildren and the kind of country they?ll live in is what?s at stake.